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My perspective is the way I see something. If I think that the story of Harry Potter corrupts children's minds, then from MY perspective it’s an evil story. Perspective has a Latin root meaning "look through" or "perceive," and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. My perspective is the way that I look at something. It is also an art technique that changes the distance or depth of an object on paper. An example of perspective is farmer's opinion about a lack of rain or a painting where the railroad tracks appear to be curving into the distance.

Have you ever noticed the dust particles floating in front of a window as the sun shines through? If you changed your position just slightly, you actually won’t see them anymore. They're still there, you just don’t see them from the angle you’re looking. Yes it all depends on the angle from which you look at the window.

Clarity into your marital problem is always available to us, yet we don’t see it from the angle we’re looking.

The answer to our problems are always right in front of us. It's there for us right now. We just can't see it yet and why not?

You see all we need is a slight change of perspective and then everything becomes clearer.

Counselling helps you to gently take you by your shoulders and put you at just the right angle so you can see what's REALLY going on in your relationship. Once things come clearer, it becomes clear what we need to do.

And don't think that it's your spouse that needs to see things differently. Don't assume that your spouse doesn't get it. Your spouse thinks YOU don't get it. So who's right? You're both right! We can all readjust our angle to see ourselves and our marriage more clearly. And we all have changes we can make to improve our situation. It's a waste of time to acknowledge and fixate ourselves on our spouse's sins. The only pertinent question for you is what's your fixing? What's your role in all this?

We are so wedged in our own ways and more importantly the way WE see things and we fail to realized that before anything can change in our relationships we have to be able to see the dust particles. It's probably just a slight change in perspective that we need, but it can make an enormous difference in our circumstances.

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