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Updated: Jul 8, 2022

When we are in a downward spiral, we don’t see a way out of it. This is primarily when we need to focus on your love for each other, allowing ourselves to be open and honest.

When we are newlyweds, we tend to absorb every moment of each other, until life sets in. The pressures of work, children and family responsibilities. This leads us to appreciate all the alone time we can get, even if it is in Counselling Sessions.

Communicating in your relationship is not always easy, but learning the skills to communicate well is essential, particularly in the context of Marriage.

Be sure you are expressing yourselves the best way possible. During conflict situations, avoid accusatory “you” statements or allowing heightened emotions to take over.

“When feelings are hurt, and we feel the need to defend ourselves or our emotions, it is not uncommon to fall into unhealthy communication habits such as using “you” statements. You statements, (such as “you always do this!,” or “you don’t even care”) are verbal jabs that are often blaming and critical and subconsciously attempt to make your spouse feel the same as you.

These messages of criticism can cause tears in the fabric of the relationship and lead to resentment and hurt feelings.

On the other hand, healthy communication is based on “I” statements. These expressions of our feelings help to directly communicate the underlying emotion and provide our spouse with specific actions they can take to improve the situation.

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